We first stopped at a the plaque of the Hurling champs of 1900 where someone in my family was on, but I don’t remember the relation. I think my great grandpa or his brother.
Next up was an estate where great grandfather's parents lived. They worked for the family and stayed on their property. The gate had a bunch of hoopla about no entry and private property and prosecution.
Whatever that means
Inside we passed these delightfully orangey trees that sort of make me dizzy
To find the estate they worked on/in
across from the boat house
We then went into another town to see if we could find what would be my great uncles grave. He was my great grandma’s first son who only lived for about two months or so. We couldn’t find it, but got the name of the priest of the parish to ask for the records of where it might be buried.
The sun was going down so we quickly hit where the first flag of Ireland was erected. Don’t wanna clean up the backdrop here, guys?
“The white in the centre signifies a lasting truce between the orange and the green”
And stopped on the side of the road to get a quick snapshot of “Devil’s bit” where me and some cousins will hopefully be hiking this Saturday. It is really hard to see the bite here.
And then off to Thurlus for dinner at Four Seas for some deeeeelicious veggie spring rolls
and vegetable satay (peanut sauce). Holy hell it was tasty.
First hitting a health food shop and then an angel store (angel store?) where they had freshly ground granules! Made out of real angels! (this place was weird).
But I did score some buckwheat groats from the health shop, yea boi.
He took me to see the turkeys they’re keeping for Christmas. I would like to eat one of these lovely ladies. They bought them when they were the size of a grapefruit and will care for them and fatten em up until Christmas time for eating. They have about ten.
There’s a ton of room, feed, heat lamps. Someone comes in to do the snapping of the necks when the time comes, but until then they’re well coddled. They were so calm, even when he was holding her. Nothing like the psycho chickens I was dealing with on the farm this summer when collecting eggs.
I may just be an American vegetarian (does that read as “snob?”) as meat and poultry are raised so differently here. This is all being said without ever being on an American beef/poultry farm, so I know my basis are not covered to make blanket statements, but if I found out that it was the same deal in the states I think there’d be a lot less vegetarians.
We hung out with the turkeys while D told me stories about his time on a pig farm. Most of them hilarious. It was a farm where they “service,” raise, fatten and send them off. No slaughtering, just the nice stuff (if you think artificial insemination is pleasant). I would LOVE to see this. If not just to hang out with little baby piggies, or bonnivs, I think they’re called in Irish.
And now I am home with my two cousins who I haven’t seen all day vegging out from a family tour around the country, stuffed and smiley. I could have stayed home and done my homework on nutritional genomics, but I think this was a much better use of my time. So, suck it, DNA. You are not that important.
I’m going to see if I can sleep at their house tomorrow so I can see the calving :O
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