Back story - It starts
Arrival - Day one, arriving in the small country town of Roscrea to my Aunt, two cousins and first cup of tea.
Day Two - Jet lag recovery and juggling online school work and
--break for Munich trip--
A 48 hour stint in Munich for Oktoberfest by my lonesome turned out to be one of the best experiences of my trip due to the kindness of strangers and merriment of one of the biggest parties in the world
Red Heads - The first red head I fell in love with would not be the last
Traffic Jam - Walking the loop around my Aunt's house, a regular occurrence due to surrounding dairy farms
Day trip to Clonmel - Day trip to Clonmel (home of Bulmers/Magners) and sunny waterside Dongarvan for cafe bites and shopping
Day to Day -Settling into the house and family and their limitless hospitality
Irish Times-In country pubs, where I left bits of my heart and probably liver
Galway -Weekend trip to beautiful West coast of Galway beaches and brews
--break for Nice trip--
A stunning four days of farmers markets, alley ways, waterfalls and pastries
Back to basics (after Nice)- I missed Ireland greatly while briefly in France and came right back into the songs in pubs, the hurling matches (Irelands national game) and comfort food
What's up, Skin? - Irishisms and driving on the left side of the road
--break for Amsterdam trip--
Our stay on a house boat on a canal in Amsterdam trying to eat on the cheap and see sites on foot
Fish Farmin' - A trip to the nearby Monk monastery and fish farm
Country Side, Family Ties - My Aunt takes me on an informal tour of our family's ancestry in Ireland
Cookin - breaking bread
Cheers to the freaking weekend - Templemore, Birr, Turkeys - What seems to be the typical weekend I find myself in of farm animals, country pubs, and hangovers
A break for banana bread - exactly what it says
Over the pond -I befriended an elderly man on the flight over to Eire who kept me awake and entranced for our 5 hour flight with stories of his childhood and ghosts
The Big Smoke (Dublin) - My first trip to Dublin and a firey camogie (female hurling) win
Apple Trees - A day trip with my Aunt results in two new members of their landscape
Camogie Cups -Camogie wins, Rock of Cashel and traditional Irish Breakfast where I revoked my vegetarianism
Cashel - Dining in the Guinness bar of a castle fireside
Thanksgiving - A misplaced thanksgiving dinner
Potatoes -Trying to make my ancestry proud
Don't Send me Home - Falling hard for the country and remembering the road that took me here
Shopping, Burgers, Dancing
A weekend of Rest and Recovery for some Christmas shopping in Newbridge shopping center, break for veggie burgers and a night out in another small town to see a friends band play
The unyielding hospitality of the Irish knows no bounds
Milk Market - Limerick
A fresh foods market in Limerick where I break my vegetarianism yet again and split a hot dog with cousin while perusing the local goodies of cheese, pastries and everything in between
Obamarama - Moneygall
Obama has relations down the road from my cousins house and came to enjoy a pint at a neighboring pub
Surfing Eire
Surfing in Inane on a rainy, windy chilly day
Nenagh -
A trip to Nenagh (ni-na) for Christmas shopping, window shopping and a hunt for decent pizza
Dublin take two
Back to the big smoke with different cousins for a romping Monday night. During the weekends people typically go home to their family in the country so Monday night winds up being a big night out
Milkin' Cows
My cousins introduced me to a friend down the road from them who let me come by and see what goes on at a dairy farm
Cow Mart
The same farmer let me tag along to the cow mart! Farmers come around to see what's for sale
Dehorning Cows
My cousins have a small farm where they raise calves. Calves that need to be dehorned and tagged and turkeys that need to be chased
Leavin' on a jet plane
Say it ain't so
"Home" Back in NY
:) -Back to Ireland :)
Finding Internet-A brief stint of internet found on a bus en route to the big smoke
Return to the green land
A brief return to Ireland in February 2012 after being in NY for less than a month. Can't get enough.
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