We woke up and got many safety lessons on how to hold, load, hand and shoot some guns while their pup observed.
After our lesson our host made us egg in pepper. Never had this!!! Such a great idea. I definitely plan to make this again. A little hot sauce and it was delish.
We then went to the air boat, enjoyed an MGD and took off to see some gators. We really didn't see many, but being on the boat was cool in itself.
After the tour we headed into the restaurant and escaped the pouring rain by 15 seconds. I ordered a side of hush puppies, but our host offered me a piece of gator. I've always said if I knew where my meat came from and how it was raised I would consider eating it again. Gator doesn't get much local and fresher than this. It was actually really tasty, but nothing I would ever eat more of or ever again.
After the tour we realized the gun range was closed on Mondays so we went and stocked up on bullets for tomorrow and then headed home. I was able to work on my homework while the boys tried to get the dog out of the tree. She is amazing.
We had a homemade dinner of peas, broccoli and mashed potatoes (plus chicken for them). And then off to World of Beers, a local bar that had a ton of beer on tap and where we happened upon mustache Monday. Yes. We all got several free stick on mustaches. Also it was half priced pints.
At some point before our food arrived I stepped outside to take a phone call. Friends did not see that I was outside in sight of our table. I saw the waitress drop off the food and then our host reached over and take a sip of my milkshake thinking he could get away with a sneak taste. I bum rushed the window with hands a flailing and stink face a blazing and scared the crap out of him. That’ll teach ‘em to think milkshakes are for sharing.
My TB and I have definitely done some good ol' fashion bickering with each other, but for the most part we've been getting along like gravy and I've just started to feel sad tonight that we will go back to living 8 hours away again in just three short days. For as cranky as I got it was great seeing him all the time. Tomorrow we should be shooting and going to the beach. Those are hopefully the only plans as I’m quickly running out of cash and time to work on my finals. Sleep, ahoy!
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