Friday, March 16, 2012

Dear Linda: My half day with pipsqueak

Ummmm all we did today was eat…and pack. Our letters to you are quickly getting very unexciting!

We slept in til 9 today and again, straight to breakfast. Trying to use up everything we got at the store, I made Magz pb and banana wrap with strawberries and grapes

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and my strawberry oatmeal and grapes

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We packed up our things and then met up with her fam for an early lunch (because all we do it eat…)

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I’ve been in charge of making the meals so Magz hasn’t had any meat since landing, mwuahaha even when we to the restaurant. Goat cheese salad:

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Veg Crepe

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And then it was time to depart. She is off to San Diego and I am stayin’ put around LA for the next two weeks before heading off on a caliente adventure with Colbombs.

Until then, sad faces (dead hearts)

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