Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dear Linda

Hi, lady! As promised, we’re going to keep you abreast of our adventures. We made it! By the skin of our teeth; standby is not for the faint of heart. After some sweaty palms and heart palpitations from hearing at least three times that the flight was full we were finally told they could fit us. Whewwwww. I really thought we’d be sleeping in the airport. Once safely on board we found our seats, each next to large gentleman who encroached on our personal space the entire flight. As Magpie described it, treating us like second class citizens: taking over the arm rest, not observing the assigned leg space and unabashedly indulging in episodes of “Dance Moms.” We’re not complaining though, flying standby from our amazingly generous friend was a huge part of making this getaway possible and for that we even decided not to play sleep roulette (taking melatonin preflight and seeing if we could function well enough to board the plane successfully. As appropriate as that would be for two adults to attempt.....we stayed off the melatonin and on our best behavior).

TBones collected us at LAX just after midnight and our very long day was finally coming to an end. We got to the apartment and quickly passed out for the night, waking up once from Magpie’s outburst of encouragement to me of “good job, kid!” in her sleep. She’s unsure what her dream was about that caused it, but who doesn’t love her incessant enthusiasm??? Me. I’m trying to sleep dude. ;)

This morning we were up and at ‘em early, straight to breakfast!

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We didn’t have to go far. Right downstairs from Tbones abode is a little café with delicious French Toast, apple juice in apple shaped jars and super friendly customers.

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We spent some time apart, Magz went to the beach to text you and I went to school

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Newsflash, we’re po’. So we’re keeping this trip cheap and cheerful. We actually went to two different stores trying to find the cheapest goods to get provisions for the next few days.

last day 001

And then we went off to Venice Beach. Can you find Magpie in the picture below??

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Too slow, she’s right here


Can you spot homeless Liz in the picture below?? yea..that one’s easy

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We thought you might enjoy Santa Monica more than Venice so we moseyed over to the pier.

“Linda, want to go on this ferris wheel??”

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Can you spot where my lens needs to be cleaned?

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It’s right there!

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How fun is this game?!

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Our first celebrity sighting. Remember this guy? He was on some show once upon a time wearing a Greek skirt.

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Celebrity sightings (and 5 mile walks on the beach) pepped up our appetite so we got some kettle corn, but we were still hungry so we went to get some fries.

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And thank goodness because after they made us wait 20 minutes for said fries this guy walked up to retrieve his order. Magpie and I locked eyes with open mouths in excitement. We managed to play it cool enough to take a picture with him. He was so cute and sweet. As one of my fbook friends accurately commented, he totally “out chuck’d” me.

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We hiked back to Venice beach to get the car, stop at yet another grocery store, had the handle of the bag break and beer and ice cream scatter all over the floor, and then finally home for a sub par picture of a delicious (and cheap) burrito and kale salad dinner

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That’s all she wrote for now, until tomorrow, LL xoxo

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