Yesterday I found out that my friend set up a dinner with her good friend who happens to be married to the man who authored one of my favorite books of all time. I read it when I was 17 and probably three more times after that (which doesn’t seem like a lot, but I rarely read/watch anything all the way through let alone more than once). I gave away the copy I had with the quotes and page numbers marked up so I wanted to get another copy to be autographed. I found the nearest bookstore and hightailed it over
Nice day for a long walk, but they didn’t have it in stock. This book ignited something in me when I was in high school. It made me want to read, it made me want to write and it made me want to live a life way cooler than I was. Actually though, I have to say, the SYAG crew in high school had many moments where we felt infinite. We were doing a pretty good job at life.
But anyway, back in present day with the SYAG crew, Tuesday night Col and I went to the Republic of Pie around the block from her apartment. It is a really cute coffee/pie place with shellacked wooden tables, a cute chick playing guitar and things in mason jars. All things everyone loves. The food is all types of sweet and savory types of pie. Spinach pie, pot pies, mac and cheese pie. We went with sweet:
Berry cobbler and pumpkin pie. And they were as good as they freaking look.
We stayed for a while chatting about the things you tend to in cute coffee shops like traveling and dreaming and the vast future ahead of us. I realize we’re pushing thirty, but we have so much life left to live that getting older has less of a freak out response for me lately. Really, we’re babies.
Yesterday I finished the veggies we had over brown rice. It was a good lookin’ group
THEN C hooked Mer and I up with tickets to a taping of Mike&Molly, a show on CBS I’d seen a couple of times. They confiscated our phones and cameras so I was only able to take blind shots, but this is the set of Harry’s Law:
I’d never been to a show taping before it was cool. They did scenes about three times to get it right, sometimes just to switch lines in and out to see how the audience responded. They ALSO fed us pizza, cookies and candy. Our friend was called up to sing and dance during the intermissions. There is a guy who stays with the audience the whole time to keep them upbeat and engaged while the crew is messing around with the stage. He was annoying as heck, but anyone who is throwing candy at me doesn’t stay on my shitlist for too long (hence why I am so sure I might be kidnapped one day. Van candy is my favorite brand!)
Today I set out to find another copy of this book. Col let me know that he was actually bringing one for me :D, but I wanted another one for Ms. O. I found another store 30 minutes away. I had just put about twenty hours into an exam for one of my courses so this long walk to Studio City was my reward
The bookstore was actually IN the café that I went to last week to talk about nutrition shows where I was saying the food looked incredible. I drooled over all of it again as I passed diners on the way to the back where the books were.
Turned out they were out of stock, but the owner called another store to see if it was in stock and drew me a map to get there. I wanted to buy something for that kind of customer service, but my mom also loves random soaps from far away places so I grabbed a bar to go with my map and headed out.
I didn’t think to mention that I was on foot and didn’t realize that this store was about an hour away. Wups!
Lucky, I was prepared with snacks
The apple held me over, but I then came upon Henry’s tacos and that is just fate that I couldn’t ignore
Had myself a bean taco with awesome hot sauce. The taco itself was just ok, but the hot sauce, woot.
I kept on my way, passing the picturesque Los Angeles River……really, LA?
FINALLY reaching Ventura Blvd, thank goodness. It was hot and sunny and I am Irish and translucent and should not be in the sun for too long
I would have tried to hitch hike except for the fact that in trying to hide from the sun I looked like the uni bomber. Who would pick this troubling looking chump up off the road?
I knew I was SUPER far from home when I passed Oil Can Harry’s (where we had the karaoke and jello shots last Saturday night)
About an hour later I finally spotted the bookstore that does not at all look like a bookstore and probably why I initially overshot my walk by an additional twenty minutes. I earned the crap out of dinner tonight.
And I got the book! And read it almost all the way through on the way home (So, sorry Kel, your copy is semi-used!)
Because my head was in the book while I was walking I was a step away from walking into this wet cement. The worker had to yell at me as I approached and we both laughed so I turned around to take a pic. It was close.
And now I’m home waiting for Col to whisk us away to RFDs (Real Food Daily), an awesome eatery that I am most excited to stuff my face at while being star struck as the author sits across from us. Most Hollywood celebrity things are completely lost on me, but this. is. huge.
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